词语大全 pacifist中文翻譯

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Some pacifists and all mitarists deprecate social and potical confcts .
某些和平主義者和一切軍國主義者都反對社會性和政治性的斗爭。<> Crowds of pacifists protested against the war
成群的和平主義者抗議這場戰爭。 <> They ' ll probably kick me out ofthe pacifist club now
這下他們可能會把我踢出和平者俱樂部了<> I ' m a pacifist , ke gandhi
我是一個和平主義者,就和甘地一樣。 <> And he wants the pacifist article nine of the constitution to be revised
同時安倍還試圖修改和平憲法第九條。 <> They want to renounce the pacifist constitution foisted on japan by america
他們想廢棄美國強加給日本的和平憲法。 <> Jack ' s just another of these hypocrites who are pacifists in word but not in deed
杰克恰好又是一個只說不做的和平主義者偽君子。 <> " we think john is a fink pacifist on a super ego trip , " she said
她說: "我們認為約翰是個極力追名逐利、喜歡告密的和平主義者。 <> Naturally , the newly pacifist machine wants out of the mitary , so he escapes
自然這個新生的和平主義者想離開軍隊,所以他逃跑了。 <> The government sees the mission as proof of japan ' s global mitment ; mr ozawa says it breaches the country ' s pacifist constitution
政府認為此法案體現了日本承擔的國際義務,而小澤認為它違反了和平憲法。 <>
In another break with japan ' s pacifist tradition , the plan calls for selectively ending a longstanding ban on arms exports
日本傳統和平主義的另一個突破中,計劃要求有選擇性的結束一項長期的武器出口禁令。 <> Many also argue the dispatch violates the country ' s pacifist posar constitution , which mits japanese troops to self - defense of japan
多數人也認為派遣軍隊違反了日本戰后和平憲法,限制了日本的正當防衛。 <> Some 2 , 000 are in afghanistan , where italy ' s engagement is a source of anguished misgiving for the radical and pacifist left
其中有2000在阿富汗? ?既是意大利的交戰國同時也是激進分子和左翼和平主義者痛苦疑懼的發源地。 <> On may 3rd , the japanese constitution ' s 60th anniversary , mr abe proposed rewriting it ? including perhaps the clause declaring japan pacifist
5月3日,值立憲60周年紀念,安相提議修憲-甚至可能涉及日本為和平國家等條款。 <> The french - speaking province has long had a pacifist streak , born of past reluctance to fight for the british empire
魁北克省當年就是因為那里的人民不愿武力反抗英國而成立的,因此這個以法語為官方語言的省有著悠久的反戰傳統。 <> The image of einstein as stock - market punter does not sit easily with that of einstein the pacifist and ideast
不過以一個股市投機者形象出現在世人面前的愛因斯坦似乎很難與那個一向被視做和平主義者和理想主義者的形象相吻合。 <> It would not have been potically possible , until the 1990s , to deploy soldiers in foreign interventions : most germans were staunchly pacifist
多數德國人都堅定的主張和平主義,直到上世紀九十年代,派兵干涉海外事務方為可能。 <> On may 3rd , the japanese constitution ' s 60th anniversary , mr abe proposed rewriting it ? including perhaps the clause declaring japan pacifist
5月3日,是日本立憲60周年紀念日,安倍提議修憲? ?甚至可能涉及了日本是和平國家等條款。 <> Edward , a pacifist , mistakenly enrolled in the low level tsb college which although being anti - triad carries on a long tradition of using fists to so . .
這是一間band 5學校里的傳統一切爭執,由拳頭解決。石頭是戰無不勝的只揪王, ? <> Norwegian pacifist and historian . he shared the1921 nobel peace prize for his work as secretary - general of the inter - paramentary union ( 1909 - 1933 )
蘭格,多羅西雅1895 1965美國攝影師,以拍攝經濟大蕭條期間農業工人的紀實性照片而深入人心<>
It would kely hasten japan ' s steps to amend its pacifist constitution , beef up its defence forces and play a bigger security role in the region
并可能促使日本加速修訂其和平主義章程,并擴大防御軍力,進而在亞太地區扮演更大的安全角色。 <> Edward , a pacifist , mistakenly enrolled in the low level tsb college which although being anti - triad carries on a long tradition of using fists to solve problems
.炮制出個充滿暴力的校園"大公報這是一間band 5學校里的傳統一切爭執,由拳頭解決。 <> It took a coation of social democrats and greens , both with strong pacifist leanings , to send the bundeswehr into armed bat , thus breaking the post - war taboo
社民黨和綠黨有著強烈的和平主義共識,二者聯手打破戰后禁忌,讓國防軍參與武裝沖突。 <> It would not have been potically possible , until the 1990s , to deploy soldiers in foreign interventions : most germans were staunchly pacifist
由于大多數德國人有著堅定的和平主義信仰,直到1990年代,政治上才有了在國外調解紛爭時部署德國軍隊的可能。 <> Thousands of activists in tokyo have marked the 60th anniversary of japan ' s post - war constitution with protests against proposed changes to its pacifist stance
在東京,數以千計的活動人士舉行集會,紀念日本戰后憲法制定60周年,并抗議對和平憲法提出修改。 <> Soka gakkai , the 8m - household - strong buddhist organisation behind the party , with a pacifist streak , was one of the first to call for mr kyuma ' s resignation
擁有和平背景的創價學會- - - - - -該黨背后這個擁有800萬成員的佛教組織,是要求久間先生辭職的始作俑者之一。 <> It reached north america in the sixties and we experienced the civil rights movements - one pacifist ( dr king ) and one more revolutionary ( malcolm x and the panthers )
它在六十年代進入北美洲,我們經歷了民權運動? ?一種和平主義(馬丁路德金博士) ,還有更加革命性的(馬爾科姆x和黑豹) 。 <> Mitary cemeteries are preferred but , given that pacifist non - agned sweden hasn ' t been involved in any confct in more than o centuries , they ' ve a dearth of war heroes and battlefield casualties
然而愛好和平以及不結盟的瑞典近兩個世紀以來沒有卷入任何沖突,所以他們缺少戰爭英雄和傷亡人員。 <> This , as much as anything , fuels the desire in japan to change the country ' s pacifist constitution , imposed on it by the americans after the second world war , in a way that would give japan a less constrained mitary force
這種局面使得日本迫切希望能夠修改二戰后美國人強加于身的和平憲法,以使其軍事力量不再受過多的限制。 <> Indeed , a propos of the television series , the same senior chinese diplomat mentioned earer argued energetically that pacifist japan ' s post - war rise was a model of good - neighbourness that china itself could usefully emulate
實際上,這部紀錄片的支持者,也就是上述那位外交官言之鑿鑿的指出:日本戰后堅持走和平之路成為了一個好鄰居,他的崛起是中國值得學習的。 <>
Long held back not just by a pacifist - sounding constitution , but also by a lack of imagination , japan under mr koizumi made mendable moves towards a more muscular and constructive diplomacy that better matched its economic clout
盡管長期受到和平憲法以及缺乏想象的約束,但小泉領導下的日本向著采取一種與其經濟地位相適應的更加強調實力與建設性的外交實踐做出了值得肯定的舉動。 <> Japanese writer director umetsugu as hong kong nocturne and hong kong rhapsody really sinks his teeth into this death - filled , haunted house mystery . three men and three woman begule , blackmail , bicker , and backstab sometimes terally each other all the way to a shock surprise ending , in this death - filled , haunted house , mystery , written and directed by shaws normally pacifist japanese maestro lnoue umetsugu



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