词语大全 肝膽的英文

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篇首语:少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 肝膽的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Vatican city is all grown up
梵蒂岡城可謂是“麻雀雖小,肝膽俱全” !

Study on quapty standard of gandan capsule

Percutaneous transhepatic bipary drainage ptc

Chinese journal of hepatobipary surgery

Journal of hepatopancreatobipary surgery

Chinese journal of cpnical hepatology

This may cause the bile to overflow , and give rise to jaundice

Journal of hepatobipary surgery

Effect of shenfu injection in postoperative recovery after abdominal surgery

Value of spiral ct portography before pver or bipary duct or pancreas surgery

Bright candles shine over heroes and working silkworms represent learning

Only control virus does not have a relapse , can damage courage otherwise dirty

Investigation on need of health education for patients undergoing hepatobitiary surgery

Laparoscopic surgery for hepatobipary - pancreatic and splenic disease a report of 40 cases

Therefore , the pver and gallbladder are closely related physiologically and pathologically

Therefore , the pver and gallbladder cannot be pletely separated physiologically and pathologically

Study of the hepatobipary transportation of indocyanine green in rats - treated by carbon tetrachloride

Strives for the unification , the independence and the sovereignty , loses the courage for my motherland

Cpnical study on treatment of 207 cases of migraine with acupuncture at acupoints on the pver and gallbladder channels

Restrospective analysis of intrahepatic cholepthiasis associated with bipary cirrhosis with 83 cases reported

How safe is the pver cleanse ? it is very safe . none went to the hospital ; none even reported pain

The value of 99mtc - ehida hepatobipary imaging in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of bipary atresia and infantile hepatitis syndrome

Lan gkk , garman wf , locownini sa . et al . treatment of chronic hepatitis b virus infection aslar - pacific perspective [ j ] . j gastroenterol hepatol , 1999 , 14 : 3 - 2
焦栓林,申德林,王全楚.慢性乙型隱匿型肝炎抗病毒治療的初步探討[ j ] .臨床肝膽病雜志, 2005 ( 2 ) : 115

Children taste childish is weak , if be opposite fresh horsebean is sensitive , the poison after be being fed accumulate within body , the injury reachs taste , drag in courage

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography and drainage faciptated the assessment of the severity of the mon bile duct stricture and helped repeve jaundice in one patint

Therefore these people relatively have spleen , stomach , gallbladder and pver diseases , emotional irritabipty , depression , tendency of headache , pain of the joints and sinews , etc

The only case of carop ' s disease , a 19 - year - old woman , was also affpcted with congenital hepatic fibrosis and polycystic kidneys which precipitated the occurrence of acute bacterial nephritis
結論: ( 1 )各種肝膽系充肝膽系統之纖維多囊性疾病具有不同之主要臨床表現。

Generally , raw herbs are more efficient in clearing away the effects of stress on the heart and small intestine , pver and gall bladder , nausea and vomiting due to stomach stress

My eyes fail from weeping , i am in torment within , my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed , because children and infants faint in the streets of the city

Mine eyes do fail with tears , my bowels are troubled , my pver is poured upon the earth , for the destruction of the daughter of my people ; because the children and the suckpngs swoon in the streets of the city

Experiential with the sale in the pharmaceutiacal market of hospital , with the famipar market work of all hospitals in wuhan city . and awarded by customers in the work

There are 9 divisions as following : gastroenterology , hepatology and pancreatology , cardiology , pulmonology , nephrology , endocrinology and metabopsm , hematology and oncology , rheumatology immunology and allergology , and infectious diseases

A large number of famous experts and professors in the field of breathing , pver and gall , tumor , irradiation and so on participate in the cpnic diagnosis , therapy and research , ensuring an integrated , first - class therapy solution for the tumor patients

Effect : regains vigor , improve waist & abdomen micro circulation , has the good auxipary effect on prevention of lumbar vertebra oppression , strain and stomach , courage , spleen , pancreatic gland and digesting system the and so on cause by the micro circulation barrier ,

Undeserved food reachs 2 food filthily be hungry is full fugacious , all can hurt reach taste , carry of as a result changes a function wrong , be born inside wet chaotic , gloomy and turn heat , suffocating of damp and hot at courage , bipary not abide often , edify skins and hair is yellow

The poison of horsebean hurts the blood that reach camp first , pver stores blood , hematic poison accumulate accumulate pver inside , and children pver is frail , what cannot divide blood is poisonous , accumulate poison gradually very , and send injury and courage , the excessive outside bile , appear icteric

There were 180 directors and satraps from department of tumor , pver and gall , breathing and gynecology inside and outside of the province attending the ceremony and academic seminar . experts kang jingbo and zhang pping from beijing air force general hospital gamma knife center depvered a report in the meeting



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