词语大全 四舍五入的英文

篇首语:不怕山高,就怕脚软。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 四舍五入的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

These values have been rounded off .
這些值已經經過四舍五入 We make this distinction because continuous variables are rounded .
我們之所以作出這樣的區別是因為連續變量是四舍五入的。 The prices of the goods have been rounded down
貨價已按四舍五入法調低為整數。 Numbers but can be subject to rounding errors
數字大,但可能會導致四舍五入錯誤。 Here you can see o bottom pieces rounded
在這里你可以看到兩件底部四舍五入 The prices of the goods have been rounded up
貨價已按四舍五入法調高為整數。 The time value is rounded to the nearest minute
。時間值被四舍五入為最接近的分鐘數。 The results have been rounded to the nearest one hundred
計算結果可以四舍五入到100 。 ) The figure is rounded up to the thousand digit
數字四舍五入至千位數 The round ( ) method rounds a number to the nearest integer
Add - ups may not equal to total due to rounding
由于四舍五入關系,個別項目的總和可能不等于總數。 Note : figure may not add up to total due to rounding
注:由于四舍五入,百分率相加后未必是100 % 。 Rounded nose and stepped cockpit
四舍五入鼻子和加強駕駛艙。 To perform exp pcit conversion to integer without rounding
函數,以便在顯式轉換為整數時不四舍五入 The round ( ) function rounds a number to the nearest integer
函數的作用是:對浮點數進行四舍五入取整。 Add - ups may not be equal to total due to rounding
注:由于四舍五入關系,個別項目的總和可能不等于總數。 Minute ; truncated to integral value
分鐘;四舍五入到毫秒 Second ; truncated to integral value
秒;四舍五入到微秒 Hour ; truncated to integral value
小時;四舍五入到毫秒 Editbin rounds up the specified value to the nearest 4 bytes
If you try to set it to a fraction , the number is rounded
如果試圖將其設置為一個小數,該數值將會四舍五入 Note : add - ups may not be equal to total due to rounding
注:由于四舍五入關系,個別項目的總和可能不等于總數。 Note : add - ups may not be equal to total due to rounding
注:由于四舍五入關系,個別項目的總和可能不等于總數。 Note : figures may not add up to their totals due to rounding
四舍五入關系,各項數字相加或與總計數字略有出入。 Convert the fraction 9 / 38 to a decimal . round to four decimal places
將分數9 / 38轉換成小數。四舍五入到小數點后四位。 If necessary , the decimal portion is rounded to fit the specification
如果有需要,小數部分將進行四舍五入以符合規格。 Any rounding or truncation of floating - point numbers is implementation defined
任何四舍五入或浮點數的舍去是實作自訂的 And want to round the result to the nearest whole number , use the
類型的變量,并希望將結果四舍五入為最近似的整數,請使用 Additional round functions are available as methods of the intrinsic types such as
其他四舍五入函數可用作內部類型的方法,例如 Specifies the rounding format for numbers in the roundingformat property of the numericfieldformat class
For example , you can add a fractional number of days , rounded to the nearest mil psecond , to a
變量(該小數四舍五入到毫秒) ,如下所示: Is not already a whole number , it is rounded to the nearest whole number before being evaluated
不是整數,則在計算前會先四舍五入為與其最接近的整數。 The sum of individual items and the total shown might not exactly tally because of rounding
由于四舍五入關系,個別項目的數字加起來可能與所示的總數略有出入。 A particularly useful feature with money in addition to those for quantity is the hand png of rounding
相對于數量而言,貨幣的一個非常有用的特點就是處理四舍五入 By adding a transparent edge to your image you can add jagged , rounded , angled edges or provide a 3d effect
加入透明邊緣你的形象,你可以補充凹凸不平,四舍五入,角邊或提供三維效果 But the tiny percentage of trade blocked by export pcense denials is pttle more than a rounding error
然而因拒發出口許可導致的貿易損失微不足道,所占比例僅與四舍五入的誤差相當。 Precision is always truncated never rounded and overflow throws an unsupported conversion error . for example , using
總是直接截取有效位數(從不四舍五入) ,而溢出將引發不支持轉換的錯誤。 However , when the same conversion is performed using exp pcit conversion in c , the values to the right of the decimal are lost
值時,將執行四舍五入。但是,使用顯式轉換在c #中執行同一轉換時,小數點右邊的值將丟失。 Round toward negative infinity means round the result of a floating - point operation to the representable value nearest to and no greater than the result
四舍五入到負無限意思是調整浮點運算的結果成最接近結果并且不大于結果的最接近值 When false , losses of precision do not generate error messages , and the result is rounded to the precision of the column or variable storing the result
For these conversions , precision is always truncated never rounded and overflow is handled as modulo of the destination type , which is smaller . for example , cal png
對于這些轉換,總是直接截取有效位數(從不四舍五入) ,而溢出則按目標類型取模處理,以較小者為準。 Each shipment in the invoice shows a vat charge , but when summed up , the amount may be s pghtly different than the entire invoice charge due to rounding
發票中的每個貨件都顯示一個增值稅( vat )費用,但是當合計時,由于四舍五入,金額可能會與整個發票收費稍有差異。 For export grades , small end diameter is measured at the wharf under the japanese agricultural standard ( jas ) convention , ie , rounded down to the nearest even o - centimetre interval
對于出口等級,小頭直徑按照日本農業標準慣例在碼頭測量,結果采取四舍五入為最接近的偶數。 The skull is broad and moderately rounded beeen the ears , gradually narrowing and flattening on top as it approaches the eyes , rounding off to cheeks that are moderately flat
頭骨是廣闊的中度四舍五入之間的耳中,逐步縮小與壓扁頂部,因為它靠近眼睛,四舍五入至臉頰有中度持平。 A money object , however , can encode its own rules for rounding , which means that most of the time you don ' t have to be aware of the rounding rules while you are working with money
貨幣對象可以封裝自己的四舍五入規則,這意味著當你處理貨幣類型時,通常不用去考慮貨幣的四舍五入問題。 To avoid daily rates with recurring decimals , and the associated rounding p pcations in calculating the interest , annual interest rates and any changes have therefore to be divisible by 360
為避免日利率附有循環小數及由四舍五入引起的復雜計算,年利率及其變化幅度必須可以被360整除。 Investors submitting petitive bids have to state the bid price expressed as a percentage and rounded to o decimal places and the desired quantity of notes tendered for at that price
遞交競爭性投標的投資者須注明認購價以百分比方式表示,并四舍五入至小數后兩個位及打算按認購價競投的債券數額。 In cases where the operands differ in sign and the rounding direction matters , a program shall either include code generating the desired form of division , not relying on the implementation - defined default result , or have an environmental dependency on the desired rounding direction




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