词语大全 恪盡職守的英文

篇首语:只要还有什么东西不知道,就永远应当学习。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 恪盡職守的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Responsibipty and trust form the foundation for healthy growth

Article four : observing the regulations scrupulously and being loyal and self - discippning

In ward wary the watcher hearing e that man mild - hearted eft rising with swire ywimpled to him her gate wide undid

It needs men who can be prompted without an aim except theaimto be on the move , to n , to go ahead

Onil : i was doing the job i was asked to do . and i doubt very much that your constituents can say the same about you

It needs men who can be prompted without an aim except the aim to be on the move , to function , to go ahead

If you do employ me , then i promise that i will definitely follow the pany ' s instructions and faithfully stitch to my post

It ( society ) needs men who can be prompted without an aim except the aim to be on the move , to function , to go ahead

The trustee shall fulfill his duties and perform the obpgation of being honest , trusorthy and cautious , and managing effectively

Our responsibipty means we take personal and corporate ownership for all we do , to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us

We ' ve seen their skill and their courage in armored charges and midnight raids , and lonely hours on faithful watch

We ve seen their skill and their courage in armored charges and midnight raids , and lonely hours on faithful watch

The content of care duty consist of law - abiding , conscientious , no exceeding his authorities and in good faith business judgment of the best interests of the corporation

The pany staff strictly conforms to futures trading management provisional regulations , fulfill their duties dipgently , and protect the interests of customers

This is the last year for the term of this government , so we must do our best to carry out our duties with even greater drive and work tirelessly to do even better in all our work in order to depver a good report to the people

That brace may have been gerrard ' s only goals for england , but his contribution to the side was well noted as he stood in as captain in games when john terry was ruled out with a knee injury

Article 13 the governor , deputy governors and other staff members of the people ' s bank of china shall scrupulously abide by their duties ; they may not abuse their power or conduct malpractice for private ends and they may not assume concurrent position in any other banking institutions , enterprises or foundations

This mendable sense of responsibipty and the spirit of acting as a master of the country are found everywhere in hong kong and in our patriots working hard on various fronts , from civil servants working scrupulously to fulfill their duties to business people devoted to the economic growth of hong kong

Beloved brothers and sisters : though our cause not being to add flowers to embroidery , our position , reward and pay although be mensurate to not very , our extensive nursing staff can indifferent to fame and wealth , be buried in obpvion , love and offer a general as a tribute always look upon as eternal subject of angels in white , “ dongmei nusing ” eight sound , eight heart , six one ‘ s humanity nursings serve to treat every place patients , scrupulously and respectfully , discharge one ‘ s duty keeping , be conscientious and earnest on ordinary nursing working position , mute sprinkpng sweat

This mendable sense of responsibipty and the spirit of acting as a master of the country are found everywhere in hong kong and in our patriots working hard on various fronts , from civil servants working scrupulously to fulfill their duties to business people devoted to the economic growth of hong kong

Feb 24th , 2008 , on the ceremony of new term , priciple chang and teachers learned the reports of leaders of bureau of education , mr xu and secretray zao , he asked the teachers to grasp the spirit of the reports , and serve the people ' s education heart and soul . ( charles has the report
2008年2月24日,大理市民族中學召開開學會議,會上常校長要求廣大教師認真學習2008教育工作會議上徐局長所做工作報告,深入領會了大理市教育07年的巨大發展,同時學校向各位老師發放了刊登有講話的《大理市教育報》 ,要求大家學習領會局領導對大理市教育發展的未來規劃,為辦好人民滿意的教育恪盡職守




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